We participated in the Global Rocket Launch to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 launch to the moon. There was a 7:32 AM simultaneous launch of 5000 rockets at the Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville. We didn't quite make it there for that launch (teenagers) but did have our own launch on the track at school. You can see the Global Rocket Launch on the video below. You can navigate 360 degrees on the video.
Our team is from Huntsville, Alabama. The Rocket City. The Home of the Saturn 5. Well, the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon launch is approaching on July 16. The Space & Rocket Center is hosting a rocket launch on Tuesday July 17, open to just about any type of rocket, from straw and stomp rockets to Estes rockets. We decided to participate in this, and can be seen above putting together the kit rockets. On Saturday July 13, weather permitting, we are going to have a "practice" launch on the soccer field at school before the "real" launch on Tuesday.
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