Code of Conduct
Parents and students: Make sure your copy of the Code of Conduct is read and the Emergency Contact Signature Page (only) is signed and returned to the team mentors. Please download and print a copy. Get a copy at a meeting if needed.
FIRST Robotics Team #6107, CyberJagzz
Room 2416 in the College Academy Phone Extension 2912
Participation on the CyberJagzz Robotics Team is a privilege which should elicit great pride in both the student and his/her family. Standards of behavior are necessarily high and a willingness to live up to them is a condition for participation. The following set of rules and regulations have been adopted to cover the conduct of students and adults. The intention of the rules is to help ensure the safety and security of all students, parents, chaperones and advisors. The student’s signature, along with that of his/her parent/guardian, indicates they both recognize and understand this responsibility and that the student agrees to adhere to the basic concepts of good citizenship, and those positive examples with which each participant should be identified
Meeting Conduct:
Prohibited Conduct:
No person, either singly or in concert with others, shall as a member of the CyberJagzz Robotics Team:
Student Responsibilities (competitions and travel out-of-town):
Coaches/Team Advisors/Chaperone Responsibilities:
All coaches, team advisors, and chaperones are responsible for:
Parent Responsibilities:
Each team member and mentor will view the FIRST Team Safety Manual Presentation, take and pass the Team Safety Quiz, and abide by the rules presented within.
Each team member will have their parents read and sign the attached activity, photo, and travel waiver. Student photos will not be put on social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) or the team website ( unless the waiver is approved and signed by their parents. In some cases with group photos, faces and identifying clothing will be blurred if necessary.
The following contract is designed to ensure that every student, mentor, and parent fully understands the expectations of the CyberJagzz FIRST Robotics Team.
Room 2416 in the College Academy Phone Extension 2912
Participation on the CyberJagzz Robotics Team is a privilege which should elicit great pride in both the student and his/her family. Standards of behavior are necessarily high and a willingness to live up to them is a condition for participation. The following set of rules and regulations have been adopted to cover the conduct of students and adults. The intention of the rules is to help ensure the safety and security of all students, parents, chaperones and advisors. The student’s signature, along with that of his/her parent/guardian, indicates they both recognize and understand this responsibility and that the student agrees to adhere to the basic concepts of good citizenship, and those positive examples with which each participant should be identified
Meeting Conduct:
- All students will exhibit Gracious Professionalism and Coopertition at all times.
- Students will remain in the meeting rooms for the duration of the meetings unless permission is given to go elsewhere by a mentor.
- Students must attend 60% of all Pre-Season (Sept. - Dec.) and Build Season (Jan. - Mar.) meetings to qualify for the Drive Team and to attend trips out-of-state. If a student is involved in other extracurricular activities that take time away from robotics they need to make a decision about which to participate in. We expect participation in return for no fees.
- Students must maintain a high standard of conduct and achievement in school.
Prohibited Conduct:
No person, either singly or in concert with others, shall as a member of the CyberJagzz Robotics Team:
- Use, possess or distribute alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or other illicit substances.
- Willfully engage in theft of, damage, deface, or destroy property such as Hotel rooms, transporting vehicles, etc. Students and their parents will be held financially responsible for any damage that their student incurs. Hotel rooms will be inspected by the chaperone and the occupants of each room prior to occupying each room and again before checkout.
- Gamble in any way.
- Use language or gestures that are profane, lewd, vulgar, or abrasive.
- Willfully incite others to commit any of the acts herein prohibited with specific intent to procure them to do so.
Student Responsibilities (competitions and travel out-of-town):
- Students must use transportation authorized by the team advisor.
- Students will stay in groups when traveling or sightseeing. STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TRAVEL ALONE or leave their assigned buddy.
- Students should make sure their chaperones and/or advisors know where they are, who is with them and when they will return when leaving the general area of the competitions.
- Students shall wear Team Shirts at all events and meet HCS Dress Code. Students are representing Team Sponsors as well as Mae Jemison High School and Huntsville City Schools. All actions reflect on these institutions.
- It is the responsibility of all team members to report problems to chaperones and/or advisors.
Coaches/Team Advisors/Chaperone Responsibilities:
All coaches, team advisors, and chaperones are responsible for:
- Adherence by students to the Code of Conduct and Safety Rules. Any violation of the Code of Conduct shall result in the assignment of immediate consequences. The violation must be reported to the advisors.
- Setting curfews and bed checks and implementing them.
- Room checks and inspections of hotel rooms with occupants of each room prior to the first night’s stay and room check and inspections of each room after the last night’s stay. Any damage will be the responsibility of the occupants of the room and their parents.
- Ensuring that each student has proper eating arrangements.
- Collection of all emergency and consent forms, and knowing whom to call in the event of an emergency.
- Notification of proper authorities in case of serious injury to a student.
- Accompanying an injured student to the hospital. Emergency authorization information should accompany the team representative.
- Planning free time activities for the team.
Parent Responsibilities:
- Parents will transport students to and from all Team Activities in a timely manner unless other arrangements have been made with the Coaches/Team Advisors in advance.
- Parents will read and sign all paperwork sent home by the team and return to the Coaches/Team Advisors by the deadline.
- Parents are strongly recommended to join the Remind and GroupMe groups to stay up-to-date on team communication.
- Violators of the Code of Conduct will be assigned consequences which include but are not limited to:
- Immediate warning and reprimand
- If the violation is prior to the competition or event, the student will not be allowed to participate in the competition or future competitions. Mae Jemison assistant principals and student’s parents will be notified of their disqualification for future participation and any disciplinary action taken at the time of the incident.
- If the violation is during or after the competition, Mae Jemison administrators and parents will be notified. The student will not be eligible for the FIRST Robotics membership in the future.
- If a situation becomes intolerable during a club activity and/or competition, the student’s parents will be notified to immediately make arrangements to have their student transported home at the expense and liability of the parents.
Each team member and mentor will view the FIRST Team Safety Manual Presentation, take and pass the Team Safety Quiz, and abide by the rules presented within.
Each team member will have their parents read and sign the attached activity, photo, and travel waiver. Student photos will not be put on social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) or the team website ( unless the waiver is approved and signed by their parents. In some cases with group photos, faces and identifying clothing will be blurred if necessary.
The following contract is designed to ensure that every student, mentor, and parent fully understands the expectations of the CyberJagzz FIRST Robotics Team.
- I understand and will abide by the Code of Conduct, and understand and accept my obligations as a team member.
- I understand and will abide by the Safety Rules that must be followed during the process of designing, building, and operating a robot.
- I understand the consequences of any prohibited behavior.
- I understand the responsibilities of the student leaders and will respect their authority.
- I agree to be held accountable for my attendance and expected level of contribution at all meetings and events.
- I will be held accountable for my productivity as a team member.
- I will be responsible for keeping current with all communications, including Remind, GroupMe,, and email, and will respond promptly.
- I will support the ideals of FIRST Robotics and goals of the CyberJagzz Robotics Team.